Meet the characters...

Steph is in her final year of university, studying textiles and fashion design. Fuelled by coffee and sarcasm, she’s an ultra-competitive perfectionist and can’t stand when her designs don’t go to plan. Her favourite hangout spot is the Flying Saucer because they do excellent pumpkin spice lattes in the Autumn. Through force of personality she often ropes Sheri and Leo along to help with her strange art projects.
Sheri graduated with a degree in music production, with the dream of becoming a professional musician (in the meantime she works at Donut Panic). She performs under the name ‘Cherie Sheri’, and despite being able to play keyboard, guitar, bass, AND vocals, her impostor syndrome often gets in the way of realising her true potential. Her pet rabbit is called Hendrix and her favourite band is Psychokinetic Wombat (don’t google that, they aren’t real).

Nobody knows how Leo can manage to go to the gym almost every day, train as a triathlon athlete, AND somehow still have time to be a star student in both her degrees (literature and performing arts). It’s her final year too, just like Steph, but despite having so many extra curricular activities she still has no idea what she actually wants to do after graduating. Maybe drowning herself in more homework will help delay those thoughts…
Lyn is the super chill barista who works at The Fying Saucer café. She dropped out of uni a few years prior when studying geology, but still finds the topic interesting. Her interests also include hiking, collecting weird plants, and NOT being a morning person.